terms and Conditions

This privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") governs the collection, processing and use practices of Library Laser, Inc. ("Library Laser", "we", "our" or "us"), in connection with the use of the website https://librarylaser.com (the "Site") and / or any other software service, or hardware related to the brandLibraryLaser.com, that we provide or provide ("Applications", andwith the Site, the "Services"). The section headings and sub-sections used or maintained by the Site.

solely for the purpose of facilitating the reading (and should not use interpretative terms), although we hope that they will facilitate the publication of the Private Privacy Policy.



It ispossible that we do nothavethe Services-the third-partyserviceproviders that we contractonthehospital, inasmuch as the data you provide to us or third parties we compile about you (including anypersonal information) are hosted by those third-partyserviceproviders thattheycontrue to them. Regardless of the location of those third-partyservice providers (and some are located in the US), their

The servers may be located anywhere in the world (including the US). Even these data may be replicated among third-party servers located in several countries. Therefore, please be aware that your data will be transferred to several third-party service providers around the world (including the US), at the end of your stay.

In general, Library Laser receives information because: (a) You provide it to us;

(b) We collect information about you, and / or


(C) Lostercerosquecontratamos (as proveedoresde análisisde data) recopilaninformaciónsuya of partenuestra.Estosucede enloscasosenqueutilizamosoimplementamostecnologíadeseguimiento deterceros or cuandoproporcionamosdeotramaneraa esosterceroselacceso alSitio, lasAplicaciones yotratecnología.Esdecir that enlaSección3 (Informaciónquerecopilamossobreusted) that encuentraacontinuacióndondedescribimoslasformasenquerecopilamosinformación about you, ustedreconocequeesarecopilacióntambiénpuede be realizadapor terceros.Estos

third parties may haveprivacy policiesprioritytheyhavebeenadmitted, so thatonewillnotbeneededthatPrivacyPolicy, however, we try to hire thirdpartiestopublicityprivacypolicy.Furthermore, as it happens withourprovidersofservicesof

third parties, these third parties (and your servers) may be located anywhere in the world.



1.ConsentimientoyModificación.Ustednoestá legally obligadoa proporcionarnosInformaciónpersonal, yconfirmaquenosproporcionaInformación personalpor voluntad.Al supropia utilizarcualquierpartedelos Services, you prestasuconsentimientoparalostérminosdeestaPolíticadePrivacidadylasprácticasaquí descritas.Sinoestá deacuerdoconestaPolíticadePrivacidad, noaccedani utilicedeningunaotramanera ningunapartedelosServicios.Nosreservamoselderecho to nuestrocriterio, decambiarestaPolíticade Privacidaden cualquiermomento.Dichoscambiosentraránenvigora losdiez (10) díasde lapublicaciónde the PolíticadePrivacidadrevisada delSitio, yelusocontinuoqueustedhaga Any part of the Service departing from those moments will mean that you accept these changes.

2. Information you provide to us. You can provide us with personal information in the following ways:



2.1.Account. In order to use certain Applications, you may want to create an account ("Account"), for which you will ask (or in some cases, optionally offered) to provide Personal Information, such as an address and email address. We may also offer the option of declaring an Account through the connection with a third party account (a "Third Party Account"). However, you may require that you approve the connection as well as any information (which may include Personal Information) that is displayed by your Third Party Account, and the types of activities that we may have related to it. Later, if you connect your Third Party Account, we will maintain a copy of the Personal Information that we receive from the relationship between the two accounts.

In any case, we can send you an email, text message, or other electronic message to confirm the creation of the Account (or to send instructions on how to confirm it).



2.2. 'Contact' Information. If you have a "Contact" request, via an online form that we make available, or with an electronic mail address to an address that we can show, using a comment or report generation feature or other means, we may ask you to provide certain information, such as an email address and address.

2.4.Profile.Some of the Services may be able to enable you to create a public profile related to your account


("Public Profile"). Your Public Profile will include a name, but you can choose to provide another information.


personal, comosugénero, a picture of the profile, and any other information that we can offer you.



2.5.Share with Others. The Services may offer features that enable you to invite others to use them, such as by sending an email from the Site to the external email address of the recipient. If you are publishing an invitation, you will be providing Personal information about the recipient as an email address or the user name and identifier of the online account.



2.6.Blogs, Newsletters, Surveys and Promotions. The site contains a blog page that shows information about


Library Laser and some of its products and services. The Society can also offer you the opportunity to unsubscribe to newsletters and participate in surveys and other promotional activities. In each of the previous cases, your interaction (how to respond to the blog, subscribe to a newsletter or participate in a survey) may require you to provide certain Personal Information such as your name and e-mail address.


3. Information that we collect about you. We collect Personal Information and other anonymous data about you from the following:



3.1.Record Files; Devices and Data for Use. We collect information through registry files, but also through the application of tracking technologies within the Site and Applications, and we can also use this information with our Account. We do it to analyze trends, track user movements in the Site and applications, collect information and generally to compile information that may not appear useful or illuminating. FileType deinformaciónrecopilada puedeincluir (aunquenode maneraexclusiva) direccionesde protocolode Internet (IP, quepuedenvariarentresesiones), MAC addresses, Phone # informaciónsobrelaredmóvilquepuede incluirelnúmero, deldispositivo tipoymodelodehardware, tipodenavegador, operating tipodesistema, delserviciodeInternet provider (ISP), marcadefechayhoradelSitioylasAplicaciones, referenciaodesalidaypáginasseleccionadas.Por páginasde example, elsitioutilizaGoogleAnalytics, aquípodrá find másinformaciónsobreelmismo : https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/partners/.



3.2.Cookies.ElSitioylasAplicacionespueden use "cookies" .Unacookieesunarchivodetexto located in the discorígidoyalmacenadopor elnavegador.Utilizamoscookiesparaadministrar, yparaqueustedtenga accesoalSitioya esasAplicaciones; perotambién laspodemosutilizar toimprove delusuario laexperiencia in elSitioylasAplicaciones (eg lascookiesyotrastecnologíaspuedenservir direcciónIPindicada pararecordaruna previously porunusuario) ypararecopilar datosestadísticosoanónimossobrecómo ustedylosdemásusuariosutilizanelSitioyesasAplicacioneseinteractúancon losmismos, and puedenincluir to losfinesde We provide some cookies and third parties can establish others, where they also fail (for example, in social media, as in a "Like" button, the corresponding party includes the cookies establishment). If you want to receive cookies, check the respective browser settings. These cookies allow you to receive notifications when oseestablecencookies, obloquearlaspor completo.Además, you can delete cookies that have been established.Siusted bloqueorestringelascookies, different features and functionalities of theSite and / orApplications may be affected.



4. The way we use Personal Information. In addition to the misuse of Personal Information described in other sections of this Privacy Policy, we also use Personal Information in the following ways:



4.1.Generally to provide services to you. We will use the personal information to: (a) administer and provide you with the Site and the applications, (b) continue to develop and improve the Site and the applications, (c) send updates, promotions, offers or other news about the Site, the Applications and / or the Laser; (d) respond to the communications we maintain with you; (e) identify you authenticate your access to and use of the Site or an Application, and / or (f) send updates and marketing information related to our products and services.

4.2.Transfer to Affiliates. We can send Information to our subsidiaries or local affiliates or share it with the purpose of storing this information in our name or for other processing needs. These entities may be located in other countries.

Library Laser, and your servers may be located in any part of the world. We require these entities to accept the process of providing Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

4.3.Transfer to Third Parties. We send information to the various entities to share with them, who collaborate with our business operations and help us better understand how our users use the Site and the applications, and develop and improve them. These third parties may have their own privacy policies to which they adhere, so that this Policy of Privacy will not necessarily be adhered to; However, we try to hire third parties to publish a privacy policy. In addition, as it occurs with our third-party service providers, these third parties (and your servers) may be located anywhere in the world.



4.4. Compliance. We may send information to third parties to share with the authorities if we believe that disclosure of such information is usefully or reasonably necessary to: (a) comply with any law, regulation, legal process, or applicable governmental requests, b) comply with the terms of the service and governing the Site and / or the Applications, including investigations of potential noncompliance; c) detect, avoid or deal with any other fraud and safety problems, and / or d) protect against damage to rights, the property of Laser Laser, our subsidiaries and affiliates, our users, you or the general public.



5. Public deposition information. Any content that you make publicly available through the Site or the Applications (such as your Public Domain) will be publicly available to other Site users or said Applications. It is possible to enable or inactivate your contact information.

public, you may receive messages requested by or from other users of the Site or such Applications.


Do not make a claim that simply discloses information that you are sure you want to make public.



6. Do not participate. You may choose to receive future corrections for promotional, advertising or other correspondence with the Site or the Applications that we send to you, to select the link to subscribe subscribed under the electronic mail that we send to you. Please note that, even if you opt not to receive the old emails, we can still respond to the communications you entered,

as well as send administrative emails that are necessary to facilitate the use of the Site and / or the


Applications (for example, emails to confirm that the printing was completed).



7. Access and Accuracy. We wish to maintain an accurate personal information. If you need to delete any information of your personal information that we can not save, there may be tools that we make available through the Services. Otherwise, contact us at Support @ LibraryLaser.com to request removal, providing us with the necessary details (although we do not commit to respond to or implement the request in a specific period of time). Please note that this information is deleted ( whether it is directly addressed by your action or in compliance with an application for deletion) it may not be permanently deleted, and may remain stored in our servers (or in our third-party service providers). In those cases, the information will no longer be available to you.We, our criterion, decided to permanently eliminate the information of our servers.


8. Relate to Interactions with Third-Party Products. Services may be linked to content, products and third-party services, or permitted in any other way that you interact with us. Any personal information that you provide to us can be provided to the supporters.We are not responsible for the privacy practices of those third parties, our content, products and services, and we recommend that the terms, conditions and privacy policies of each of the third parties contain content, services and services you choose to interact with or use.



9.Privacy of the Minors. The services are not structured to attract children under 13 years of age. Therefore, we do not intend to obtain personal information from anyone who is less than 13 years old. If we discover that we have compiled a personal information of less than 13 years, we will make all reasonable efforts to remove that information as quickly as possible. If you consider that we may have information of this type, contact us at [email protected].

10. Security We use administrative, physical and technical security measures to protect it Personal Information. However, no transmission method through the Internet, or electronic storage method, is 100% secure. Therefore, although we try to use reasonably acceptable means to protect your personal information, we can not guarantee any confidentiality. If you have questions about the site or an application, you can contact us at [email protected]. com.

 11.Fusion, Sale or Bankruptcy.IfLibrary Laser was acquiredby a third-party entity, we can (and by submitting we reserve the right to do so) transfer and assign any Personal Information and any other information that we have collected or received. In case of bankruptcy, insolvency, suspension of payments or any other comparable situation, we can not control the manner in which your Personal Information is processed, transferred, assigned or used.



12.CaliforniaPrivacyRights.Section1798.83ofCaliforniaCivilCodepermityourcustomerswhoresideCaliforniasrequestindeterminationinformationrelatingtoour disclosure (if any) of informationinformationpersonatedbythematerialsintendedfor their directmarketing. To the extent that youcorrespond, you may make such a request by sending us an email to [email protected]. Please note that we only have the obligation to respond to a request by client and poem.



13.NuestroAvisode "Norealizarseguimiento" .Actualmentenorespondemosniemprendemosninguna acciónrelacionada conlasseñalesde "norealizar tracking" delnavegador, nideotrosmecanismosque proporcionena losconsumidoreslacapacidadde choose larecopilacióndeInformaciónpersonalsobreesas alolargo actividadesenlíneaespecíficasdelconsumidor deterceros.Podemospermitiraterceros deltiempoyatravésdesitiosweboserviciosenlínea by ejemploa lasempresasque nosproporcionan tool as analysis querecopilenInformaciónpersonalsobrelasactividadesenlíneaespecíficasdelconsumidoralo long deltiempoyatravésdesitiosweb diferentescuandounconsumidorutilice elSitioy / or unaAplicación.

14. Removal of the California Residents' Content. You are a California resident under 18 years of age, and a registered user of certain service parts, Section 22581 of the California BusinessandProfessionsCode allows you to remove the content or personal information that you have posted. If you wish to remove such content or personal information, contact us at [email protected], and as long as you specify what content or personal information you want to remove, we will agree to the content. Please note that after the deletion you will not be able to restore the content or personal information deleted. In addition, such deletion does not ensure the complete deletion of the content or personal information that you have published and that there may be circumstances in which the law does not require (or allows) us to disable the deletion.



15. Commitment. The on-line desuprivacy protection is evolving, and we intend to develop our Site and our Applications to meet these needs. If you have comments or questions related to this Privacy Policy, contact us at [email protected].
16. We use the Facebook API that we have in the login and registration button on our website (https://www.librarylaser.com/login?back=my-account) only to obtain name and email data necessary for registration or authentication to the use of the services of the web platform
We will only process Facebook API Platform Data in the manner described in your privacy policy and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, these Terms, and all other applicable terms and policies.

This privacy policy will not replace, modify or contradict these Conditions or any other conditions or policies applicable to Biblioteca Láser or Facebook.
17. To delete your complete data from our platform and from all digital media associated with our brand such as social networks and/or emails, please leave us a message at the email [email protected] with the subject delete data and we will proceed within 48 hours maximum to delete all personal and contact data from our systems


Last updated on: Friday, March 2, 2024